Monday, February 20, 2012

We Are Friends Project

Yoshi-san and his friend (whose name I never quite got) are traveling around New York City.  They are trying to make friends from every country in the world.  They really are just kind of bumbling about, asking people randomly if they want to be part of their We Are Friends project.  But it's the interaction between these two native Japanese men that make the little 10 minute clips so fun to watch.

Their website and youtube clips can be found under Tokyo Circus "We are Friends" links.  The guy behind the camera is my favorite voice actor from - Yoshi-san!  I found him through Robert Belton (who knew him and put him up when he came to stay in London)...and am trying to follow his shenanigans around the world via youtube and facebook!  Small world...but I would recognize Yoshi-san's voice it's kind of cool for me to STILL not see his face, just hear his distinctive soft Japanese.

I just re-listened to this and learned that the man on camera calls himself Nozomi Ninja.  Nozomi is the name of the fastest train in Japan and Ninja is... well we all know what Ninja is.  The funniest part comes near the end.  Tokyo Circus is an odd band of players who have traveled the world doing random performance art.  This new Mission is a fun one, and there are quite a few clips of them on You tube with the link cited above to check out.  tanoshkatta desu!


  1. Loved this. It kind of reminds me of the Flight of the Conchords, only even more bemusing.

  2. Yes, I completely agree, it's Conchords-esque, but totally real and so even more delightful! Wish I could tell these guys that they have made my day for many days in a row..(I find myself laughing out loud, even just driving, thinking of moments of this video and some others from their NYC tour!)

    Just the thing to keep me distracted -- suddenly I woke up and I was 50!

  3. I'll definitely watch more.

    Belated Happy Birthday! I meant to do more than leave a message on your phone, but I never managed to unearth my address book.
